Monday 15 August 2011

Stupidity at it's best

On Friday night I went to see a film at the quaint Oratia Settlers Hall, a sweet hall with tea, bikkies, a sign for mulled wine but none present, pop-your-own-top beer, and all chairs to be stacked when the film was done.

The Age of Stupid is a doco set in 2055 reflecting on us now, us, in this age of stupidity, asking the question 'why didn't we save ourselves when we had the chance?'

One scene in particular that remains with me, is where a builder of wind turbines is ruled out 11 to 1 in a community court. Voted against purely for aesthetic reasons! They voted pretty over powerful and protecting the earth!?! 

"We could have saved ourselves, but we didn't. It's amazing. 
What state of mind were we in to face extinction and simply shrug it off"
- A poignant line from the movie

"We shouldn't feel powerless, we should feel powerful.
Because we are the most powerful people that ever lived - 
nobody has ever had the opportunity that we've got now to do something"
- Words from 'Im with Stupid' article by Tess Curran Peppermint Magazine Issue 04

Although I willingly do more than my share of hoarding and re-making of pretty much everything....
and being an avid 2nd hand shopper for ANYTHING that is required, a word-spreader of a conscious consumerism and still I know I can do more to help!

Starting with....
A) Saving to buy a bike, so there is no more driving rolly to work
B) Claiming my few feet squared in the veggie patch for some spring veg.

Check this great website on their way to save the world by only 3things! Have a geezer and pledge your three things!

It would be great to hear what you want to do, so if you pledge, leave a comment below with your 3things so we can spread some seeds of green, rather than stupidity :-) 

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