Saturday 6 August 2011

Doing the bright thing - Chichia!

I needed to spread the love with these gems. Gorgeous, gorgeous mixy pieces I have come across through the latest EFF (Ethical Fashion Forum) update. These pieces (and lovely photos) are from ChiChia London - made from East African organic cottons. *love* 

...not only inspiring me to get a sewin, but to get a travelin' to Africa too!


  1. Glad you like the Secret Garden Party video, you so need to go next year! I think there is something wrong with your photos in this post as they don't seem to showing. Just thought i'd let you know! xx

  2. Thanks dear Clazzerati, I will try fix them up - the outfits are glorious - perfect festival attire :-)


Thank you for taking the time to share some cheer. Xx

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